
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Under the Weather…

Recently, I took my malaria medicine on an empty stomach and got really sick, a mistake I won’t make again. I felt like a little man lit a match inside my stomach, and then began doing kickboxing against my insides. It was terrible and I had to spend the night in the infirmary. I ran fever and slept for nearly 16 hours. Next day, I woke feeling much better, but it’s been hard to stomach food since. Oh, well, hopefully Thanksgiving will change that.

Final Exams!!!

Monday and Wednesday, I took my final examinations for Water Sanitation and Language. We were fortunate that our trainer collected a very lengthy study guide and counted that as our exam for Water Sanitation.
Language was different. We were interviewed orally and recorded for accuracy. We were graded by outside testers who are certified to test in foreign languages. I did really well. I even surprised my trainer by learning how to prepare my favorite Ghanaian dish and explaining it in Dagaare. He was so happy! I’ve really enjoyed learning the language and I’ve surpassed my own expectations and what I thought to be my limits. It feels so good to be finished with training.

Thanksgiving at the Dery…

To all who read this, Happy Thanksgiving, it was wonderful for me this year. We were given Thursday off to celebrate Thanksgiving and it was an exceptional celebration. We rented the Dery and purchased a turkey with a little extra money we had left over from our stay in Philadelphia. I want to especially thank Gray for organizing everything, Terri, Joe, and Janet for cooking the turkey and Janet for the blood shed (a small yet serious slice to the thumb). Everyone prepared a dish and brought it over, we lined up tables long enough to seat all 43 of us, plus the trainers. It was spectacular.

I think some trainees’ parents were pretty sad or worried about their children being stuck in Africa while everyone is gathered together back in America, but please know that we had a beautiful feast and I don’t know of a single person that didn’t want to be in Ghana that day. There was so much unity, love, gratitude and laughter shared at our little celebration. I’m still glowing from all that was.

The Monastery

Today, I traveled to a Monastery with 3 amazing people. We sat in this giant archway overlooking a cliff, talking and sharing about ourselves. It was relaxing and beautiful and as we rode out to the location, I thought that it couldn’t possibly be by coincidence that the four of us were traveling together, as nothing ever is by mistake. I smiled to myself and took a deep breath, thanking God for the moment and the freedom and the opportunity. We spent the afternoon laying across these rocks, looking out over the cliff and each person contentedly expressed their feelings about being here in Africa.

Also, at the Monastery, I bought homemade jam, and saw beautifully carved wooden furniture. We sat in the library and looked at all of the books housed there. The monks were so kind and hospitable. Walking the halls of the monastery, I felt a peaceful presence. Please look at the pictures posted. The puppy belongs to my friend. Many people have taken puppies as their pets and they run all over and bite and fall down and roll over each other, its so cute.

Training is Ending…

Today is the last day of homestay and the last night I will spend in Forikrom. Training is ending and we will soon begin the job we were each brought here to do. Tomorrow morning, I move out of this room and into the Dery Hotel for four nights. Tuesday at 10 am, I will be sworn in as an official Volunteer of the United States Peace Corps. I am so proud and so exhausted. If it all ended today, I have experienced more that I’d hoped or planned. It’s amazing to think that all beyond this moment is lagniappe (French for bonus). Pretty amazing. Yesterday, on Thanksgiving, my shirt read “the world is pretty amazing” and it is. It completely is.

Last thought…

Two nights ago, I opened The Alchemist, one of my all time favorite books, and read the line where the Alchemist tells Santiago that when the heart desires something, the entire Universe conspires to make it happen. So much of my courage to pursue this dream of traveling and helping others, came as a result of reading that beautiful story. It warmed me to recall that sentence and the truth that accompanies it. I feel as though this is exactly where I belong today.

All my love, Erica


Anonymous said...

honey...i have just returned from the desert near big ben area in texas...ohh the solitude and simplicity of life there...most do not have indoor bathrooms or electricity...its crazy but we camped out and i felt so close to the world...i stopped talking and just got real quite...no cares or worries...my anxiety has subsided and i have regained my inner strenth....i love you...i figured you would understand....keisha

testexhibit said...

I'm glad you had a great thanksgiving!

And for tomorrow: Congratulations on your achievement! I'm so proud of you!