
I really am leaving... I swear

This morning the Peace Corps called and I'm officially invited to Ghana, West Africa.

I depart September 15 and I'm so excited. I plan to continue assisting with hurricane recovery at Volunteer's of America through August.

After nearly a year of trudging through the application process and learning so much about myself, my dream to travel and be of service has only increased.

I look forward to spending time with as many people as I can before I go. I'm definitely ready to embark, I've rented my home and given away everything that I don't really love. I have felt more freedom than ever before in my entire life. Thanks everyone for being so supportive.


Jimmy said...

Erica, congrats on the new vector in your life. I'm currently spending two months in India training software developers to augment our staff back in Dallas.

If you like, follow my blog at:

Anonymous said...

I am soooo happy for you! It takes much courage to begin a journey that you are about to encounter. I know that you will learn many things and see the beauty that Africa can show you.

Peace and Prosperity my sister,

Kasey said...

I am so happy for you! I wish you well on your journey and will be checking up on you!! I so put that pic of lake martin on my desk top at work, it reminds me of you everyday. I am so happy that we got a chance to see one another before you left. It was truly a blessing. I love you honey!!!!

JeffDeWitt said...


I'm so happy and proud of you, you are a bigger inspiration than you know and I know you will do a lot of good in Africa.

Please be careful and come home safe.


brenna said...

Hey! It's good to hear from someone else that's headed my way. It's crazy that it's almost here, I look forward to meeting you:)