
Good bye Louisiana

Today has been so beautiful, I couldn’t have asked for better friends. I am leaving for the airport shortly and I am completely peaceful. I have been fortunate to have the opportunity to tell nearly everyone I love how much they mean to me.
Earlier this week, I attended a lecture given by Shigeru Ban, my favorite architect. What are the odds that an internationally prominent architect would be speaking in Lafayette, LA? I can’t explain what it was like to meet him and listen to him discuss the duty that we have as professionals to design responsibly. He inspired me from the day I first stumbled across a book containing his work during my second year studio. I wrote about him several times during college and researched him extensively. I never dreamed of meeting him, and suddenly, Tuesday, as I was packing and preparing, a friend called and said I should attend this lecture about “recycling, or something like that.” I can’t explain how amazing this whole year has been because I have to leave in 10 minutes for the airport, but I can say that the lecture inspired me for the journey I am embarking on. It was divine, as I sat in the auditorium, everything made sense. Why I am going to Ghana, why I majored in architecture, why my original date was postponed. I could go on and on but the point is that I am right where I am supposed to be.

Last August, after graduating, I wanted to:

Help people
And not allow money to be an obstacle.

I placed all of my hope, passion, and desire in God’s hand and jumped on board. I am so grateful for the person that God is making me into.

I feel as though my soul spoke to me and I truly listened.

Take care, I love you all and I will be in touch.

Love always, Erica

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